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Version: 2.3


This message allows you to start the process that will verify an application link and add it to your Desmos profile.


"@type": "/desmos.profiles.v1beta1.MsgLinkApplication",
"link_data": {
"application": "<Name of the application to link>",
"username": "<Username of the application account to link>"
"call_data": "<Hex encoded call data for the data source>",
"source_channel": "<IBC channel to be used>",
"source_port": "<IBC port to be used>",
"sender": "<Desmos address of the profile to which link the application>"


link_dataDataData of the link to be verifiedyes
call_dataStringHex encoded data that will be sent to the data source to verify the linkyes
source_channelStringID of the IBC channel to be used in order to send the packetyes
source_portStringID of the IBC port to be used in order to send the packetyes
senderStringDesmos address of the profile to which the link will be associatedyes


You can also specify an optional timeout after which the request will be marked as invalid. This can be done using the appropriate fields:

  • height (int64), or
  • timeout_timestamp (nanoseconds).


"@type": "/desmos.profiles.v1beta1.MsgLinkApplication",
"link_data": {
"application": "github",
"username": "RiccardoM"
"call_data": "7B22757365726E616D65223A22526963636172646F4D222C22676973745F6964223A223732306530303732333930613930316262383065353966643630643766646564227D",
"source_channel": "channel-0",
"source_port": "profiles",
"sender": "desmos1qchdngxk8zkl4c4mheqdlpgcegkdrtucmwllpx"

Message action

The action associated to this message is the following:
