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Version: 2.3


This message allows you to link an external chain address and add the chain link of it to your Desmos profile.


"chain_address": {
"@type": "/desmos.profiles.v1beta1.Bech32Address",
"prefix": "<Bech32 prefix of the external chain account>",
"value": "<Address of the external chain account>"
"chain_config": {
"name": "<Name of the target external chain>"
"proof": {
"pub_key": {
"@type": "/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey",
"value": "<Base64 encoded public key>"
"signature": "<Hex encoded signature created with private key associated to the given public key>",
"plain_text": "<Text signed with private key>"
"signer": "<Desmos address of the profile linking the chain account>"


chain_addressAddressDataAddress data of the external chain accountyes
chain_configChainConfigDetails of the target external chainyes
proofProofData proving the ownership of the external chain accountyes
signerStringDesmos address of the profile with which the link will be associatedyes


"@type": "desmos/MsgLinkChainAccount",
"chain_address": {
"@type": "/desmos.profiles.v1beta1.Bech32Address",
"prefix": "cosmos",
"value": "cosmos13j7p6faa9jr8ty6lvqv0prldprr6m5xenmafnt"
"name": "cosmos"
"proof": {
"pub_key": {
"@type": "/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey",
"key": "AjUIjuahImftpkEAKHBsTsGSsc4Eopje+NrRwUYlcBLr"
"plain_text": "cosmos13j7p6faa9jr8ty6lvqv0prldprr6m5xenmafnt",
"signature": "c3bd014b2178d63d94b9c28e628bfcf56736de28f352841b0bb27d6fff2968d62c13a10aeddd1ebfe3b13f3f8e61f79a2c63ae6ff5cb78cb0d64e6b0a70fae57",
"signer": "desmos1qchdngxk8zkl4c4mheqdlpgcegkdrtucmwllpx"

Message action

The action associated to this message is the following:
