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Version: 2.3

Application link

An application link (abbr. app link) represents a link to an external (and possibly centralized) application.

Contained data

Here follows the data of an application link.

User (string)

Address of the Desmos profile to which the link is associated.

Data (object)

It contains the link details:

  • Application (string)

    Name of the application to which the link refers to (eg. twitter, github, reddit, etc).

  • Username (string)

    Identifier of the application account which the link refers to (eg. Twitter username, GitHub profile, Reddit username, etc).

State (object)

Representation of the current state of the link.
There can be five different states in which a link can be:

  • APPLICATION_LINK_STATE_INITIALIZED_UNSPECIFIED if the link has just been created, and it still needs to be processed;
  • APPLICATION_LINK_STATE_VERIFICATION_STARTED if the verification process has started;
  • APPLICATION_LINK_STATE_VERIFICATION_ERROR if the verification process ended with an error;
  • APPLICATION_LINK_STATE_VERIFICATION_SUCCESS if the verification process ended with success;
  • APPLICATION_LINK_STATE_TIMED_OUT if the verification process expired due to a timeout.

OracleRequest (object)

The OracleRequest field contains all the data that has been sent to the oracle script in order to verify the authenticity of the link.

  • ID (int64)

    This is the unique id of the request that has been made to verify the link.

  • OracleScriptID (int64)

    A unique id of the script that has been called to verify the authenticity of the link.

  • CallData (object)

    Contains the details of the data that will be used to call the oracle script.

    • Application (string)

      Name of the application for which the link is valid (eg. twitter, github, reddit, etc).

    • CallData (string)

      The CallData field represents the hex-encoded data that will be given to the data source in order to fetch and verify the validity of the link.

  • ClientID (string)

    ID of the client that has performed the request.

Result (object)

The Result field contains the effective result of the verification process. This is set only if the link state is either APPLICATION_LINK_STATE_VERIFICATION_SUCCESS or APPLICATION_LINK_STATE_VERIFICATION_ERROR.

The Result field can be of two types:

  • Result_Success (object)

    Represents a successful result. It contains two fields:

    • Value (string)

      Plain text value that has been signed from the user with their Desmos private key to prove the ownership of the Desmos profile.

    • Signature (string)

      Hex-encoded result of the plain text value signature.

  • Result_Failed (object)

    Identifies an error during the verification process. It contains only one field:

    • Error (string)
      Represents the description of the error that has been emitted during the verification process.

CreationTime (time)

Contains the time at which the link has been created.

Application links can be created by any user having a Desmos profile, and their validity is checked using a multi-step verification process described inside the "Themis" repository.