Next Registered Reaction ID
The next registered reaction id is stored using the associated subspace id as the key:
0x01 | Subspace ID | -> bytes(NextRegisteredReactionID)
Registered Reaction
A registered reaction is stored using the associated subspace id and its id as the key. This allows to easily query:
all the registered reactions of a subspace;
a specific registered reaction.
0x02 | Subspace ID | Reaction ID | -> ProtocolBuffer(RegisteredReaction)
Next Reaction ID
The next reaction id is stored using the associated subspace id as the key:
0x10 | Subspace ID | -> bytes(NextReactionID)
A post reaction is stored using the subspace id, the associated post id and its id combined as the key. This allows to easily query:
all the reactions of a subspace;
all the reactions of a post;
a specific post's reaction.
0x11 | Subspace ID | Post ID | Reaction ID | -> ProtocolBuffer(Reaction)
Reactions Subspace Params
The reactions' subspace params are stored using the associated subspace id as the key:
0x20 | Subspace ID | -> ProtocolBuffer(SubspaceReactionsParams)