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Version: 2.3

State sync testnet

Testnet only

The following seed nodes are to be used when configuring a full node for the testnet. If you are looking for mainnet seed nodes, please refer to this instead.

In order to use this feature, you will have to edit a couple of things inside your ~/.desmos/config/config.toml file, under the statesync section:

  1. Enable state sync by setting enable = true;

  2. Set the RPC addresses from where to get the snapshots using the rpc_servers field to,
    These are two of our fullnodes that are set up to create periodic snapshots every 600 blocks;

  3. Get a trusted chain height, and the associated block hash. To do this, you will have to:

    • Get the current chain height by running:

      curl -s | jq "{height: .result.signed_header.header.height}"
    • Once you have the current chain height, get a height that is a little bit lower (200 blocks) than the current one.
      To do this you can execute:

      curl -s<your-height> | jq "{height: .result.signed_header.header.height, hash: .result.signed_header.commit.block_id.hash}"

      # Example
      # curl -s | jq "{height: .result.signed_header.header.height, hash: .result.signed_header.commit.block_id.hash}"
  4. Now that you have a trusted height and block hash, use those values as the trust_height and trust_hash values. Also, make sure they're the right values for the Desmos version you're starting to synchronize:

    State sync height rangeDesmos version
    0 - 1235764v0.17.0
    1235765 - 1415529v0.17.4
    1415530 - 2121235v0.17.6
    2121236 - 2226899v1.0.4
    2226900 - 2589024v2.0.0
    2589025 - 2643234v2.1.0
    2643235 - 2756259v2.2.0
    2756260 - 3130831v2.3.0
    2756260 - 3130831v2.3.0
    3130832 - 4877865v2.3.1
    > 4877865v3.0.0

Here is an example of what the statesync section of your ~/.desmos/config/config.toml file should look like in the end (the trust_height and trust_hash should contain your values instead):

enable = true

rpc_servers = ","
trust_height = 16962
trust_hash = "E8ED7A890A64986246EEB02D7D8C4A6D497E3B60C0CAFDDE30F2EE385204C314"
trust_period = "336h0m0s"